In a show of overwhelming support, stagehands at Centre Culturel Desjardins in Joliette, Quebec, have determined that they will join IATSE Local 56. The decision from the Labour Relations Board of Quebec was issued on November 3 and awards IATSE Local 56 jurisdiction for all stage technicians employed by the Centre. The certification covers multiple venues, including the 856-seat Salle Rolland Brunelle, and the 512-seat Salle Julie-Pothier. In addition to these two halls, the Centre also manages five auxiliary spaces within the region and provides technical support to various community and municipal run events.
Discussions with the stagehands began in 2020 and once the stagehands felt comfortable, Local 56 filed the application for certification. Though there was some deliberation concerning who should be included in the bargaining unit, ultimately, the Board determined that all stagehands will have the benefit of union representation.
Created as the Centre Culturel de Joliette in 1979, the centre’s mission is to present and promote cultural and artistic activities in the Lanaudière region. “Culture plays a huge role across the entire province of Quebec, and we are excited to be expanding our footprint beyond the Montreal region,” said IATSE Local 56 President Natalie Goyer. “We’re proud to welcome these highly skilled workers into Local 56 and we look forward to representing them as we move forward with the process of negotiating their first agreement.”