First Vice President Retires; President of NY Production Local Elected to Position

CALGARY, July 27 — Rudy N. Napoleone, First International Vice President of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes General Executive Board, announced his retirement today (July 27) at the IATSE General Executive Board Meeting being held in Calgary this week.

“Brother Napoleone came to the IATSE’s General Executive Board 16 years ago and served this International Alliance with distinction and integrity,” said International President Thomas C. Short.

To fill the vacancy on the IATSE General Executive Board resulting from Vice President Napoleone’s retirement, the Board unanimously elected John R. Ford to fill the vacancy. Ford is President of New York’s Production Local 52 and was serving the IATSE as one of its three International Trustees. Continuing past practice when a vacancy occurs on the Board, Ford became the IATSE’s Thirteenth International Vice President while the remaining twelve VP’s now move up to the next higher spot. “John Ford comes to the Board with trade unionism in his blood and he has been a driving force in the leadership of his local union. He will be a tremendous addition to this General Executive Board,” International President Short said.

With Ford’s election to VP, the vacancy in his position as International Trustee was filled by the Board’s unanimous election of Thomas J. Cleary who has been serving Chicago Stage Local 2 as Secretary-Treasurer for the past six years. “Cleary is also a welcome addition as an elected official of this International Alliance. His financial background that will be an asset to his work with the other Trustees,” said International President Short.

Rudy Napoleone was elected to the IATSE General Executive Board in March of 1990 and has been a member of Albuquerque, NM, Mixed Local 423 since 1969. He served as Local 423 Secretary and Business Representative for a combined total of 19 years. Employed in projection craft since 1958, Vice President Napoleone has worked with General Cinema for 27 years and assisted in the creation of New Mexico Studio Mechanics Local 480. He also served as Alternate Delegate to AFL-CIO Biennial Convention in 1991 and 1993 and as Secretary of District 5 of the IATSE. In 1988, Napoleone was a recipient of International President’s Award.

John R. Ford was elected as Local 52’s Secretary-Treasurer in 1999. The over 3200-member local has been thriving under his leadership as President and Business Manager since 2004.

Newly-elected International Trustee Thomas J. Cleary has served as Secretary-Treasurer of Chicago Stage Local 2 since 1996. Rudy N. Napoleone, First International Vice President, IATSE General Executive Board, Retires;John R. Ford, President of New York Production Local 52, Elected Thirteenth Vice President;Thomas J. Cleary, Secretary-Treasurer of Chicago Stage Local 2, Elected International Trustee

English (Canada)