How does your party plan to support or assist live performance venues with the financial risks of trying to mount productions (which typically take weeks or months of preparation and building) given the potential for being shut down again due to COVID?
Bloc Québécois:
(See answer to question 1, specifically the Arts, Events and Festivals section)
Conservative Party of Canada:
Did not respond in the ‘Q&A” format provided. Please click here for full response.
Green Party of Canada:
We will consult with the arts service organizations, guilds and unions who are working together to draft policies that ensure the survival of this key sector within the creative economy.
Liberal Party of Canada:
As our platform states, an elected Liberal government will:
- Launch a new Arts and Culture Recovery Program that will match ticket sales for performing arts, live theatres, and other cultural venues to compensate for reduced capacity.
- Extend COVID-related insurance coverage for media production stoppages to support 150,000 Canadian jobs
- Support Canadian feature films by permanently increasing funding to Telefilm Canada by $50 million
- Support Canadian television productions by doubling the government contribution, over three years, to the Canada Media Fund
- Provide the Indigenous Screen Office with $13 million per year, permanently, so more Indigenous stories can be told and seen.
New Democratic Party:
New Democrats will be there to support with a dedicated re-building package for the performing arts, theatre, festivals and other arts that have been most severely impacted by the pandemic.