Robyn Cavanagh Appointed Assistant Director of the Education and Training Department

As of January 1, 2014 Robyn Cavanagh will serve as the Assistant Director to the Education and Training Department. Robyn has been an instructor with the National Labor College in Silver Spring, Maryland for many years and has worked as a consultant with the IATSE Education Program over the past four years, most recently assisting in the creation of a panel on “Activism” at the 2013 Convention in Boston.

“Along with her labor background, Robyn has past experience designing and delivering union skills and leadership training tailored to our membership,” said IATSE International President Matthew Loeb. “The Education and Training department will benefit from her dedication to broadening the programs available for IATSE locals and members.”

In addition to her work as a labor educator, Robyn has worked for nearly three decades as a union and political organizer, most recently on the high-profile campaign to attain fair wages and working conditions for Wal-Mart employees. She comes to the IATSE directly from a position with the SEIU, where she worked in strategic global campaigns and member leader development.

“Robyn has consistently demonstrated a great ability to adapt her experiences and knowledge to the IATSE’s crafts and local realities,” said Patricia White, International Trustee and Education and Training Department Director.

As Assistant Director, Robyn will assist in the creation and coordination of leadership programs throughout the U.S. and Canada for IATSE officers and representatives as well as local union leaders.

English (Canada)